Overholt Diary

page 89 image in the Overholt Diary

Mothers duties, when a little girl,+ later

89 Mothers duties, when a little girl,+ later

Would keep water pitcher on G+JFO's wash-stand full: also would keep drinking water pitcher filled. G+JFO always wanted pitchers full.

Later, would start living room grate fire each morning. - bringing up shavings from below + bringing in coal from the rear porch, second floor (had kept filled there by ??). Would lift ashes + place ?? on back porch (to be carried off by ??

Would milk, getting up long before daylight + milking by lantern light. After 15 yrs of age, didnt have this to do.

Mrs. Fox taught her how to bake. Washing woman taught her howto wash; then When she knew how, she didnt have to do it.

Would sweep + dust on the 2nd, 3rd floors; Would ??? the big porch floor + scour the threshold stone!